
Cats are not small dogs – and here at the SMART Referral Centre we offer a feline -focussed approach to the rehabilitation of their musculoskeletal conditions. Cats are natural predators and solitary hunters and it is essential for their wellbeing that they maintain their core territory where they feel safe to eat, sleep and play (the home). They also need to have a  hunting range which they can patrol, mark and defend against other cats or intruders.

We recognise that as a species, cats are naturally very athletic and mobility impairment has a significant impact not only on their quality of life but also on their natural instinct to behave as a cat. This in turn can lead to considerable stress and emotional disturbances which must be addressed during their rehabilitation programme.

Feline Focus at the SMART Referral Centre
  • Separate waiting and treatment areas
  • Veterinary assessment of pain and musculoskeletal function
  • Multi-modal medical pain management
  •  Acupuncture
  •  Manual therapy by our veterinary physiotherapists
  • Exercise therapy in clinic – cats love to treadmill
  • Treatment modalities (therapeutic ultrasound and laser therapy)
  • Individualised therapeutic home exercise plans specifically designed for cats
  • Advice on creating and enriching an environment suitable for the mobility-impaired cat
  • Nutritional advice and management